Several alternate flow meter options are now available for Sentra water temperature control units in lieu of the standard rotary flow sensor system.

SMC flow switch with pulsed output

Keyence flow meter with pulsed output. No pipe modifications required

IFM magnetic-inductive flow meter
Examples are shown above. Advantage does not necessarily recommend these products.
- These alternate flow meters can provide a more accurate flow rate reading due to the flow meter technology.
- The flow rate from the external meter is communicated to the SK-G or SK-T control instrument and can be communicated from the instrument to any primary machine control that uses Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP or SPI protocol.
- Several external flow meters have been sourced and tested to work with SK-G & SK-T controls including IFM Efector Magnetic inductive flow meter, SMC flow meter and Keyence clamp on flow meter. The key to each of these is that they are equipped with a pulsed output which is then communicated to the control instruments to determine the flow rate.
- The flow meters are also powered from the Advantage control instruments.
- For best results, the flow meter will need to be mounted externally and have about 6 diameters of straight pipe upstream and downstream for an accurate reading.
- The external flow meters can be purchased with the Sentra unit or can be sourced directly from the manufacturer.
- Additional hardware and software is required for the integration of the external flow meter so there is an additional cost to enable this feature.
Examples of the G-Series flow meter compared to the IFM flow meter.

G Series flow display showing flow of 2 GPM

IFM flow meter showing 1.95 gpm.

G Series flow display showing flow of 5 GPM

G Series flow display showing flow of 5.05 GPM
For more information about external flow meters call the Advantage Sales Department at 317-887-0729.